The bloody flesh our only food:
In spite of which we like to think
That we are sound, substantial flesh and blood-
Again, in spite of that, we call this Friday good."-Four Quartets
Last night, contemplating His death
being reminded of His victory,
how much I need
what He did upon the cross,
defeating death by death,
what he endured
gladly for our sakes.
taking communion,
remembering, his body was broken, his blood shed once for all
that we may be made whole and walk in newness of life.
He was nailed that our bondage may be broken.
He was cursed that we may partake of His glory and blessing.
He took on darkness that we may walk in His light.
We need his broken body and bleeding side to make us wholly alive.
So let us go to this blood-bought meal and remember Christ.
The Bridegroom takes the curse for His bride.
Let us go, and let us also
leave all other lovers, all idols which clamor for our hearts,
and cleave unto Christ our Savior, our Bridegroom, our Lord.
Beautiful, I love this. Cleaving unto Christ, may this be our delight.