Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ash Wednesday and a week later

a beginning...

in my end is my beginning...

Consider yourself dead to sin and alive in Christ

In this season, God has been showing me more and more my frailty and need for Christ. He has also shown so much of his compassion to me. My dear friend Micalah recounted truth to me over the phone this past Thursday as i was weighed down with sin in my heart, and the hurt and brokenness i see in myself, in those i love, in the world around me. In earnest longing to hold onto truths that seem to slip through my fingers and mind...I scribbled bits of truth onto my arm as she spoke to me, truths i needed to have bored into me. words of his compassion, his peace, his presence which I so often forget when i begin to be weighed down by sin, myself and this world.

Write it on the doorpost of your house, on your heart, on your life...we are so forgetful, so frail.

i don't know if these posts make much sense, and it is crazy and hard to be quite so vulnerable in them. but I think God is teaching me slowly, that in our brokenness, in our weakness, He is glorified. He Himself is our peace, our strength, our glory. i pray perhaps by His mysterious and glorious grace, you would see Him, His beauty and glory in my life.

1 comment:

  1. "And Hannah prayed and said,
    'My heart exults in the Lord;
    my strength is exalted in the Lord.
    My mouth derides my enemies,
    because I rejoice in your salvation.
    There is none holy like the Lord;
    there is none besides you;
    there is no rock like our God...
    The bows of the mighty are broken,
    but the feeble bind on strength.'"
    -1 Samuel 2

    God IS with the broken. And so often, He is the one who did the breaking in the first place... so that He, indeed, might become our strength.

    Love you.
