Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rain, Rain don't go away, the sun can come back another day

I love rainy days...
Today, I'm curled up on the couch with the Heidelberg Catechism and a grande Mocha....:)
There's something beautiful and reflective about rainy days...something refreshing but also something strangely calming after a long summer of heavy heat and humidity. At least it seems that way to me. :) I'm reminded of one of my favorite quotes from That Hideous Strength

“'That’s why Camilla and I got married,’ said Denniston as they drove off. ‘We both like Weather. Not this or that kind of weather, but just Weather. It’s a useful taste if one lives in England.’

‘How ever did you learn to do that, Mr. Denniston?’ said Jane. ‘I don’t think I should ever learn to like rain and snow.’

‘It’s the other way around,’ said Denniston. ‘Everyone begins as a child by liking Weather. You learn the art of disliking it as you grow up. Haven’t you ever noticed it on a snowy day? The grown-ups are all going about with long faces, but look at the children – and the dogs? They know what snow’s made for.’

‘I’m sure I hated wet days as a child,’ said Jane.

‘That’s because the grown-ups kept you in,’ said Camilla. ‘Any child loves rain if it’s allowed to go out and paddle about in it.’”


anyhow, I'm enjoying this rainy day by curling up and enjoying the Heidelberg Catechism, circa 1576.

I was drawn into reading the Heidelberg Catechism when I visited a church this past weekend and in the service we read the first question and answer of the Catechism. For those who don't know, as I didn't until a few years ago, a catechism is a series of questions and answers meant to be a teaching tool for understanding our faith. It was the original "Frequently Asked Questions" reference and is filled with references to scripture for it's answers. It's beautiful and I can't wait to read more

"Q: What is your only comfort in life and in death?

A: That I am not my own,

but belong-

body and soul,

in life and in death-

to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ

He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood,

and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil.

He also watches over me in such a way

that not a hair can fall from my head

without the will of my Father in heaven:

in fact, all things must work together for my salvation.

Because I belong to him,

Christ, by his Holy Spirit,

assures me of eternal life

and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready

from now on to live for him."