Saturday, August 8, 2009

Give me Jesus, or else I die

I have been reading a book called, Idols of the heart by Elyse Fitzpatrick. Her first chapter discusses the idols of Rachel, not only in her stealing the physical idols from her father, but the idol in her heart for having children, she tells Jacob (as though he can give this to her), "Give me children, or I'll die!". Elyse notes that this is the heart of idolatry. And ironically it was her second child which was the death of her. God is so gracious to show that our idols are useful for nothing but destroying us.
Then, yesterday I heard this song on a new cd my best friend Paige gave me for my birthday from the Red Mountain Church called the Gadsby Project (a retuning of old hymns). It's called Give me Jesus or Else I Die (written by William Hammond). It was encouraging to hear the heart of belief contrasted with the idolatrous heart in such a striking way. I love this song and this reminder of my own neediness for the crucified and risen Savior (above all else).

Give me Jesus Or Else I Die
Gracious Lord, incline thy ear;
My requests vouchsafe to hear;
Hear my never-ceasing cry;
Give me Christ, or else I die.

Wealth and honor I disdain,
Earthly comforts, Lord are vain;
These can never satisfy:
Give me Christ, or else I die.

All unholy and unclean,
I am nothing else but sin;
On thy mercy I rely;
Give me Christ, or else I die.

Thou dost freely save the lost;
In thy grace alone I trust.
With my earnest suit comply;
Give me Christ, or else I die.

Thou dost promise to forgive
All who in thy Son believe;
Lord, I know thou canst not lie;
Give me Christ, or else I die.